How Does it Work?
Grant application is a multi-step process (see the figure). All steps, except steps 3 and 4, will be completely transparent, and will be available on our website. Steps 3 and 4 would be single-side blinded (that means, the applicants will not know the identity of the reviewers in the advisory body). This is to ensure an unbiased review process.
Step 1. Call for proposals. LIFT will announce the opening of the applications and will allow a minimum of a two-month window for researchers to submit their applications.
Step 2. Receive Proposals. Applications are to be submitted to the LIFT administrative body in The United States. Applications are initially reviewed and all those applications that abide by the format and guidelines will be sent out for review by an external advisory body.
Step 3. Review Process. The advisory body reviews all applications, scores them and recommends funding to the administrative body. The advisory body will consist of experts from a range of disciplines. Each application is sent out to a minimum of three reviewers who are experts on the respective field. Applicants will not know who the reviewers would be.
Step 4. Scoring and Feedback. The reviewers will score the applications based on previously established criteria, such as merit, economic impact, and feasibility. Reviewers’ comments and their evaluation report will be given back to the original applicants.
Step 5. Funding. Based on the review and the advisory board’s recommendations, The administrative body will award the grants. The funds will be released to the respective institutions, at different stages after monitoring the progress at each stage.